10,000+ books banned in the 2023-2024 school year

  • 1,800+ backpacks wrapped

  • 500+ diverse books donated

  • $1,900 + raised

During Banned Books Week 2023, we kicked off the Break the Tape campaign to bring attention to the alarming rise in book bans across the United States. In the past three years, 10,000+ books have been banned, largely targeting minority and underrepresented communities.

During Banned Books Week 2024, we relaunched our campagin and multiplied our numbers, wrapping over 1,400 backpacks across 7 states and 17 schools.


…communities about book bans and the values of diverse literature

…for the freedom to read across California and beyond

…to support students nationwide impacted by literary and censorship

Who are we?

We are committed to embracing diversity, promoting inclusivity, and encouraging open-mindedness. We understand that literature has the power to challenge, provoke, and even disrupt established norms, which is why we celebrate the freedom of expression. In an age where literary censorship continues to pose a threat to our education, it is essential that we acknowledge the importance of amplifying the voices of banned and censored authors. Books are supposed to be dangerous. They are supposed to challenge the status quo.

Throughout history, literature has provided a platform for revolutionary ideals, ignited social change, and given voice to marginalized communities. By acknowledging and preserving these books, we contribute to the preservation of intellectual freedom and the protection of our collective heritage. The Golden State Readers believe in the inherent right to read and engage with diverse perspectives, and attempts to restrict students’ access to diverse literature threatens this fundamental value.

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